• General information

        • The Special School and Educational Center in Wągrowiec is an educational institution for children and adolescents with mild, moderate and severe intellectual disabilities, and with multiple disabilities at the level of:


          - 8-year primary school,


          - 3-year school preparing for work for students with moderate and severe intellectual disabilities and multiple disabilities.


          We propose and provide students with:


          -classes conducted by highly qualified staff,

          - a boarding school for commuting students,

          - bus for transporting disabled people,

          - developing talents and interests by participating in various types of additional activities, trips, and integration events,

          - revalidation classes that support development and help overcome learning difficulties,

          - implementation of the project co-financed by the European Social Fund,

          - professional pre-orientation, career counseling, assistance in admission to school to the next educational stage


          Interest fields:

          - natural science club,

          - sports club,

          - a rich calendar of events, celebrations and trips,

          - numerous participation in various types of competitions, sports competitions, artistic reviews organized by other schools and institutions.


          Our strengths:


          - we care about the comprehensive development of the student,

          - we develop students' interests and help them believe in themselves,

          - we have a small number of class divisions; up to 16 students with mild disabilities and up to 8 students with moderate disabilities, and up to 4 students with autism or autism, respectively, which allow for taking into account individual needs and development opportunities,

          - the methodology of teachers' work is fully adapted to the needs and development possibilities of students with special educational needs,

          - we have a newly opened department for students with autism,

          - we cooperate with other special education institutions and with the local community,

          - we provide psychological and pedagogical help provided by teachers, educator and school psychologist,

          - we organize trips to rehabilitation stays,

          - we provide a friendly atmosphere.

    • Kontakty

      • Specjalny Ośrodek Szkolno - Wychowawczy im. Janusza Korczaka
      • Dyrektor i Administracja Ośrodka tel.672620421 Szkoła tel.672622445
      • 62-100 Wągrowiec Ośrodek - ul. Kcyńska 48 Szkoła - ul. Janowiecka 22 Poland
    • Logowanie